It's that time again!! Spring is here and I'm reaching out to all my friends and past supporters to ask if you are willing to put a lawn sign in your yard. I'm hoping to start putting them out soon. We will deliver and set them up.
If you are willing, please contact me: dawnmorganforFargoSchools@gmail.com or 701-297-9379
If you like to vote in the privacy and convenience of your home, you can do so. Just fill out the absentee ballot application here: https://vip.sos.nd.gov/absentee
or print the attached document and return it to:
Mail: PO BOX 2806, Fargo ND 58108-2806
Secure Dropbox outside the Courthouse: 211 9th Street South, Fargo - dropbox is located on the eastern side of the building. Please put the absentee ballot application into an envelope labeled "Finance Office" and provide your name and contact details on the envelope before submitting it into the drop box.
Fax: 701-241-5728
The ballot will be mailed to your home address.

Putting My Experience
to Work
Dawn Morgan grew up on Fargo’s north side with parents who both served the public and instilled in her a vision of community service. Her father, E. Vernon Hendrickson, was Meteorologist in Charge of the National Weather Service at Hector Field which served a three- state area.
Her mother, Gladys Hendrickson, taught at Jefferson Elementary School for twenty-five years.
Coming from teachers on both sides of her extended family, Dawn majored in English at NDSU where she also earned two teaching degrees. She went on to graduate school in Special Education at MSUM.
Dawn founded and serves as the Executive Director of the Spirit Room, a non-profit 501-c-3 arts and cultural organization located on Broadway in downtown Fargo. She also has served on the Fargo Planning Commission for five years and was elected to a first four-year term with the Fargo Parks District’s Board of Directors in 2020..
Dawn’s choice step away from the Park District board and to run for the Fargo Public School Board is a step further into her contributions to the City of Fargo.
Past associations include the founding the Fargo Neighborhood Coalition in 2017, past president of the Scandinavian Hjemkomst Festival, and appointment to the Fargo Public Library Board during the construction of the new downtown facility.
Morgan’s interest in quality of life and service to community has guided her life.
Family members include her son, Dakota S. Rudesill, Associate Professor at the Moritz School of Law at The Ohio State, Becca Hogan Rudesill, MD at The Ohio State Medical School and granddaughter, Kate Dawn Rudesill, a student in the Dublin Ohio Public Schools.